How Many People Die from Parkour: The Hidden Truth About a Controversial Sport

How Many People Die from Parkour

How many people die from parkour? This question has been asked since the “sport” of parkour gained popularity in the early 2000s.

Parkour, also known as free-running, is an activity that involves moving quickly and efficiently through an environment, using only the body’s natural abilities.

It originated in France but has since spread to other countries worldwide.

While it can be a fun and exhilarating way to stay active, it can also be hazardous. Several parkour practitioners have died while performing stunts or attempting to jump from one building to another.

So, How often do we record parkour deaths per year? Or has anyone ever died from parkour?. This blog post will answer these questions and explore the truth about parkour accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

What are the dangers of parkour?

Parkour is often lauded for its many benefits, including improved fitness and coordination. However, the sport also carries several risks. Here are five dangers to be aware of before attempting any parkour stunts:

  1. One of the most obvious dangers of parkour is the risk of injury. Freerunners can suffer broken bones, sprained ankles, and head injuries if they fail to clear an obstacle or land wrong.
  2. Parkour can also be deadly. A typical example is the famous parkour death that occurred in 2016. 20-year-old man Yuri Eliseev died while practising parkour. He lost his grasp on a balcony rail and fell.
  3. Parkour can damage property. Freerunners who jump from rooftops or scale walls can cause severe damage to both public and private property.
  4. Parkour can be intrusive and disruptive. Freerunners training in public areas can interfere with pedestrians and disrupt businesses or events.

Parkour can also be dangerous to spectators, who may be injured by flying debris or wayward parkour practitioners.

  • Parkour can attract unwanted attention from law enforcement. In some cases, parkour practitioners have been mistaken for criminals and apprehended for engaging in the activity.

It is essential to be aware of the laws in your area before participating in any parkour activities.

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While parkour can be a fun and exhilarating way to stay active, it’s essential to be aware of the dangers before starting. Be sure to train in a safe environment with experienced spotters, and always follow the law.

How many people die from doing parkour each year?

It’s impossible to know precisely how many people die each year from doing parkour, but experts estimate that the number is relatively low.

It’s estimated that around five people die from parkour yearly while practising the sport.

Deaths typically occur due to misjudging a jump or landing, falls from height, or collisions with objects.

The risk of death from parkour is certainly not zero, and it is relatively low compared to other activities. This does not mean parkour is without risk; serious injuries can and do occur.

However, the risks can be minimized with proper training and safety precautions. Beginner parkour practitioners should start by learning basic moves in a controlled environment before progressing to more challenging obstacles.

In addition, it’s essential always to have a spotter when attempting new tricks.

How many people get injured from parkour?

A study published in the American Journal of Emergency medicine in 2017 found that there were 52 injuries from parkour between 2009 and 2015.

Most of these injuries were strains, sprains, concussions, and fractures due to failed parkour landing from jumps, falls, or flips.

As with any physical activity, there is always a risk of injury when practising parkour. However, the risks can be minimized by following some simple safety precautions.

Always warm up before attempting any parkour stunts, and be sure to have a spotter when trying new tricks. In addition, wear appropriate clothing and shoes to help protect your body from scrapes and bruises.

With proper precautions, parkour can be a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages.

How can parkour injuries be prevented?

Parkour practitioners should follow a few simple safety guidelines to minimize the risk of injury.

  • It is essential to warm up before attempting any parkour moves. A warm-up will help loosen the muscles and prepare the body for physical exertion.
  • It is vital to pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of potential hazards. Look for loose brickwork, slippery surfaces, or any other obstacles that could trip you up or cause you to fall.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes to help protect your body from scrapes and bruises.
  • Listen to your body and take breaks as needed, and if you are new to the sport, starting with basic moves in a controlled environment is best before progressing to more challenging obstacles.
  • Always practice with a spotter. A spotter can provide support and stability when attempting new or challenging moves.
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Following these simple safety measures can help prevent injuries while enjoying the thrill of parkour.

How long does it take to become good at parkour?

Most experts agree that it takes most people about six months to a year to become proficient at parkour.

More so, a few factors can affect how quickly someone can learn the basics of parkour. For instance, athletic ability and natural coordination make it easier to pick up basic movements.

In addition, people with previous experience with other sports or martial arts may find it simpler to transition into parkour. That being said, even those with little prior experience can learn the basics of parkour with enough perseverance.

The key is to find a good teacher and to be willing to put in the hours of practice.

With dedication and practice, anyone can become good at parkour. Just remember to start slowly and be mindful of your safety always.

How do I get fit for parkour?

Before you start your parkour training, it is essential to make sure that you are physically fit. Parkour requires a high level of physical fitness, and it is important to work up to the sport’s demands gradually.

An excellent start is by doing basic cardiovascular exercises and bodyweight strength exercises. Cardio will help increase your endurance, while strength exercises will build the muscles you need for parkour.

Once you have built up a basic level of fitness, you can start to add more specific parkour training exercises.

These exercises focus on developing the agility, balance, and coordination you need for parkour.

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Training consistently will help you improve your parkour skills and become more physically fit.

What are the most common injuries in parkour?

The most common injuries in parkour are strains and sprains, typically to the ankles, knees, or wrists. Other common injuries include bruises, cuts, and scrapes. More severe injuries in parkour are fractures and concussions.

Sprains occur when ligaments are stretched or torn and often result in awkwardly landing after a jump.
Strains occur when muscles or tendons are stretched or torn and are often the result of over-exertion or incorrect technique.

Fractures occur when bones are broken, resulting from a direct impact or an awkward fall.
Dislocations occur when joints are forced out of their normal position and can be extremely painful.

Concussions occur when the brain is jarred or shaken, resulting in a temporary loss of function. It is a traumatic brain injury.

While these injuries can be severe, they can usually be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). However, more severe injuries may require surgery or other medical intervention.


Parkour is a controversial sport that has been gaining popularity in recent years. While it can be dangerous, there are ways to minimize the risks by following safety guidelines and practising regularly.

With time and dedication, anyone can become good at parkour. Just remember to start slowly and be mindful of your safety always.

And finally, get fit for parkour by doing basic cardiovascular exercises and bodyweight strength exercises before adding more specific parkour training exercises to your routine.

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