How Long Does it Take to Learn Parkour [Tips for Beginners]

How Long Does it Take to Learn Parkour

It’s a question asked by would-be traceurs for years – How long does it take to learn parkour? The answer, of course, depends on the person.

But with the right tips and advice, beginners can shorten the learning process and start their parkour journey sooner.

In this article, we’ll outline some of the critical things beginners need to know about learning parkour, how to get good at Parkour, what to expect, using Parkour safety equipment, and how long it might take to undergo Parkour training.

So, how long does it take to learn parkour? Let’s find out.

What is Parkour?

Before we can answer the question of how long it takes to learn parkour, we need to know what parkour is.

Parkour is a physical discipline that involves moving through your environment in the most efficient way possible, using obstacles to help you get from point A to point B.

This can include running, jumping, climbing, and vaulting, among other movements.

Parkour traces its roots back to the military, which was used as a training method to help soldiers quickly and efficiently overcome obstacles.

In recent years, parkour has become a popular activity in its own right, with people of all ages and abilities practicing it recreationally.

How Long Does it Take to Learn Parkour?

Most experts agree that it takes around two years to become proficient in parkour.

This may seem like a long time, but it is essential to remember that parkour is not simply about learning new moves. It is also about developing the strength, agility, and coordination necessary to execute those moves safely and efficiently.

In other words, mastery of parkour requires both physical and mental conditioning. For this reason, many practitioners find their progress slowed by injury or fatigue.

Several other factors can affect how long it takes to learn parkour.

  • The amount of time you devote to practice. Like with anything else, the more time you spend practicing, the faster you will improve.
  • Your natural athletic ability. Some people are just naturally more coordinated and have better balance than others. This can make learning parkour easier for them.
  • Your strength and conditioning level. If you are already in good shape, you will likely find it easier to pick up parkour than someone who is not as physically fit.
  • Your prior experience with similar activities. Suppose you have done other activities that require coordination and balance, such as gymnastics or rock climbing. In that case, you will probably find parkour easier to learn than someone without such experience.
  • The individual’s mindset going into learning parkour would also be influential; if the individual is open-minded and excited to learn, they will likely pick up the skills quicker than someone resistant or hostile.
  • The difficulty of the techniques or moves you are trying to learn. Some parkour moves are more complex; if you focus on learning the advanced parkour moves first, it will take longer to become proficient at parkour overall.
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Can You Learn Parkour on Your Own?

The answer is yes, but it takes dedication and commitment. Parkour is not just about learning new techniques; it’s also about developing the strength, flexibility, and stamina required to execute them.

Many traceurs start by watching videos and practicing skills on their own before joining a group or taking formal classes. However, it is always best to practice under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

Parkour academies offer classes for all levels of traceurs, from beginners parkour to those who are looking to take their skills to the next level.

These classes provide a safe environment for practicing parkour maneuvers and can help beginners learn the basics of parkour and develop the proper technique.

In addition, most academies offer open gym hours, where traceurs can come to practice their skills and socialize with other parkour enthusiasts.

How to Learn Parkour at Home

If you can’t make it to a parkour academy, don’t worry! There are still plenty of ways to learn parkour on your own.

One of the best ways to learn parkour is by studying videos and tutorials online. Traceurs worldwide have created helpful videos that show you how to do everything from basic moves to more advanced techniques.

However, You may need to gather some essential equipment to help you learn without fear of injury. Cheap parkour equipment can be found online or at your local sporting goods store. Wear protective gear, such as gloves and knee pads.

In addition, there are many websites and forums where traceurs share tips, advice, and support.

Of course, it is fun practicing and learning parkour with no experience. But developing a solid foundation is essential before you start trying flips and other advanced maneuvers.

Start with basic moves and master them before you begin to work on more complex techniques.

Remember, parkour is about training your mind and body to be strong and agile. It takes time, dedication, and commitment to become a proficient traceur. But the journey is its reward.

What are the Essential and Easy Parkour moves for Beginners?

Parkour is a discipline that emphasizes efficient movement over obstacles.  While it may appear to be adsorbing, parkour is relatively easy to learn and can be a great way to get in shape. There are a few basic moves that any beginner can inculcate into their parkour practice.

  • The roll: This is used to absorb a fall’s impact safely and can help prevent injuries. To perform a roll, drop down onto your back or side and tuck your chin to your chest. Absorb the impact with your hips and shoulders, then push off with your feet to return to an upright position.
  • Kong vault: The kong vault is a powerful move to clear significant obstacles. To execute a kong vault, approach the obstacle with your hands on the ground, place one foot on it, and push off with your other foot to clear it.
  • Wall run: A wall run is used to cover large distances quickly. To execute a wall run, sprint towards a wall at an angle and place both hands on the wall. Push off the wall to launch yourself forward and continue running.
  • Quadrupedal movement: This is essentially moving on all fours like an animal. It is used to navigate over and around obstacles. Quadrupedal movement is a fundamental parkour move used in many other moves.
  • Balance: This allows you to control your body and land safely when jumping or falling. There are many ways to train your balance, such as using a balance beam or handstands.
  • The cat Leap: This move jumps over small gaps. Start in a crouched position and then explosively jump forwards, using your arms to help propel you across the gap.
  • Precision jump: A precision jump is used to land safely and accurately on small or narrow surfaces. To execute a precision jump, extend your arms and legs in midair to help control your body’s momentum and land lightly on your feet.
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Practice these basic moves until you feel confident and comfortable with them. Once you have mastered the basics, you can begin working on more advanced techniques.

What gear is needed for Parkour?

Parkour practitioners often train in urban environments, using the architecture to their advantage. While parkour can be practiced without special equipment, a few items can make the activity more accessible and enjoyable.

  • Parkour pants are essential as they are loose-fitting and allow a full range of motion.
  • A pair of well-fitting gloves can help protect your hands from scrapes and bruises. The gloves can also help improve your grip on ledges and bars.
  • A good pair of shoes with good traction will help you move more quickly and safely. Parkour shoes have been designed to provide good grip and support when landing jumps.
  • A multi-grip pull-up bar can help practice Parkour moves such as vaults and climbs
  • A water bottle keeps you hydrated and prevents you from overheating.

 While you don’t need gear to start practicing parkour, having the right equipment can help you train more effectively and stay safe while you’re learning new skills

How can you stay safe during Parkour yourself?

Parkour can be dangerous if not practiced safely. Here are a few tips to stay safe while you’re learning:

  • Start small and gradually increase the height of obstacles as you become more comfortable with the moves.
  • Don’t attempt any move that you’re not confident in executing.
  • Always have a spotter when attempting new or challenging moves.
  • Warm-up before you start training to help prevent injuries.
  • Cool down after your session to help your muscles recover.

Parkour is a fun and challenging activity that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy.

With some practice, you’ll be able to master the basics and progress to more advanced techniques. Always remember to stay safe while you’re learning and have fun!

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How long does it take to learn parkour on your own?

It can take a few months to about two years to learn parkour on your own, depending on how dedicated you are to practicing and how often you train.

Some people pick up the basics fairly quickly and can start learning more complex movements within a few months.

Others may find it takes them much longer to get comfortable with the discipline and perfect their techniques. However, with time and patience, anyone can learn parkour.

Is parkour hard to learn?

No, parkour is not challenging to learn. However, it does require dedication and commitment to mastering the techniques.

Parkour also requires a lot of physical strength and endurance, so you must be in good shape before you start training.

Can you start parkour at any age?

Yes, Parkour can be started at any age, but it is essential to be aware of the risks.
As with any physical activity, there is a potential for injury when participating in parkour. Therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor before starting parkour, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Additionally, it is essential to warm up properly before participating in parkour activities and to listen to your body during and after exercise.

Parkour can be a great way to get exercise, but as you age, it is essential to start slowly and increase the intensity gradually to reduce the risk of injury.

Can I learn parkour at 20?

Yes, you can learn parkour at 20. Parkour is a physical discipline that focuses on overcoming obstacles efficiently and safely. It is open to anyone of any age, fitness level, or background.

While parkour requires some level of physical fitness, the most important thing is a willingness to learn and a positive attitude.

At what age should you start parkour?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as people of all ages can learn parkour, but it is recommended for people at least ten years old.

This is because parkour requires a certain level of physical fitness and coordination. For younger children, parkour may be too difficult and could lead to injuries.

Additionally, parkour training can be intense, and younger children may not have the attention span or focus on completing a session.

However, there is no hard and fast rule; ultimately, it is up to the individual or guardian to decide when to start parkour training.

Final Thoughts

Parkour is an enjoyable and rewarding activity, but it’s important to remember that safety should always be your top priority.

Make sure you take the time to learn the basics before trying any advanced moves, and always use proper gear when practicing parkour yourself.

With a bit of practice, you’ll be jumping, flipping, and leaping your way through obstacles like a pro in no time!

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