The 8 Best Places to Practice Parkour: Find the Perfect Spot for You!

Best Places to Practice Parkour

Parkour is a physical discipline that involves moving through your environment fluidly and efficiently, it can be practiced almost anywhere, but some spots are better than others.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned traceur, finding where to practice parkour can be challenging. You want somewhere safe but also enough obstacles to keep you challenged.

To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of the seven best places to practice parkour. From city rooftops to abandoned warehouses, there’s sure to be a spot on this list that’s perfect for you.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your parkour gear and get moving!

What is parkour, and why is it so Popular?

Parkour is a form of physical activity that emphasizes efficiency in movement. It involves running, jumping, and climbing and is often performed in urban environments.

Parkour has origins in military training but has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to stay fit and have fun. There are several reasons for parkour’s popularity.

First, it is a relatively inexpensive activity to get involved in. All you need is a good pair of shoes and some comfortable clothing. Second, parkour can be practiced almost anywhere. You don’t need access to a gym or special equipment.

Third, parkour is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. Even if you’re not physically fit, you can still enjoy parkour by starting with simple movements and progressing at your own pace.

The Best Places to Practice Parkour

Now that you know a little about parkour let’s look at some of the best places to do parkour.

1.Parks and Playgrounds

Parks and playgrounds offer an excellent environment for practicing parkour. The open spaces and lack of obstacles make it easy to move around, and the soft surfaces provide a safe environment for landing jumps and tumbles.

In addition, parks and playgrounds are usually located in well-lit areas, making them ideal for training during the day or evening.

2. Abandoned Buildings

Abandoned buildings are great parkour places; the appeal of these locations is easy to understand; they offer a wealth of opportunities for creative exploration.

With their uneven floors, high ceilings, and plentiful obstacles, abandoned buildings provide the perfect setting for parkour practitioners to hone their skills.

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In addition, the danger inherent in these locations adds an extra thrill to the experience.

Read also: How to Build Parkour Obstacles

3. Urban Landscapes

Urban landscapes offer a unique and challenging environment to practice parkour in public. The wide variety of obstacles found in cities—from staircases and ledges to walls and railings—provides ample opportunities to hone one’s parkour skills.

In addition, the crowded nature of urban environments presents challenges, requiring parkour practitioners to be aware of their surroundings at all times.

4. Unused Tennis Court or Basketball Court

This is a great place to practice parkour for beginners, the smooth, level surface is perfect for running and jumping, and the surrounding fence can provide an obstacle to jump over or vault off of.

In addition, tennis and basketball courts are typically located in parks or other open spaces, giving parkour practitioners plenty of room to move around.

With creativity, these surfaces can provide an ideal training ground.

5. Wheelchair Ramp

One of the best places to practice parkour is on a wheelchair ramp because ramps provide an incline that helps build strength and stamina while allowing users to jump safely and land.

In addition, wheelchair ramps are often found in public spaces such as parks and playgrounds, making them convenient and accessible.

Moreover, many ramps are now equipped with rails and other features that make them even more user-friendly and safe.

6. Forest

A forest is one of the best places to practice parkour for several reasons. First, the variety of terrain found in forests – from rocky outcrops to soft loam soil – can provide a challenging parkour track for even the most experienced traceur.

Second, the dense vegetation can provide both obstacles and opportunities for creative movement; a traceur skilled in using the environment to their advantage can find numerous ways to traverse the forest without ever having to touch the ground.

Finally, the forest’s solitude can be beneficial for those who wish to focus on their training without distractions. In sum, forests offer an ideal setting for those who want to practice parkour and develop their skills.

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7. Outdoor Obstacle Courses

If you’re looking for a more structured environment, an outdoor obstacle course may be just what you need. These courses are designed specifically for parkour and usually have various obstacles to overcome.

They’re great for practicing your techniques and can be fun too. Just be sure to check the rules before you start, as some courses may not allow parkour.

8. Indoor Climbing Gym

An indoor climbing gym is another great place to practice parkour. Not only do they have a variety of obstacles to overcome, but they’re also indoors, so you can train regardless of the weather.

Plus, most gyms offer classes and other programs to help you learn new techniques and improve your skills. So if you’re looking for a challenging and fun environment to train in, an indoor climbing gym is a great option.

Best Parkour Locations in the World

Here are eight of the best parkour places in the world:

1. The rooftops of Paris – There is no better place to practice parkour than the city that invented it. The rooftops of Paris offer a unique and challenging parkour spot for parkour enthusiasts of all levels.

2. The Great Wall of China – This iconic structure provides a thrilling setting for parkour, with its many steps and uneven surfaces.

3. Machu Picchu, Peru – This ancient Incan citadel is set high in the Andes Mountains and offers breathtaking views and plenty of opportunities for parkour training.

4. The Matterhorn, Switzerland – This towering Alpine peak is one of the most popular destinations for rock climbers, but it also provides an ideal parkour spot. The Matterhorn offers both vertical and horizontal challenges, as well as stunning views of the surrounding mountains.

5. Lisses, France, home to Yamakasi, the group that popularized parkour. The town is filled with obstacles that are perfect for parkour training, and there is also a parkour school where beginners can learn the basics.

6. Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States, the city has many abandoned warehouses and industrial buildings that offer a challenge to even the most experienced parkour practitioners.

7. Sao Paulo, Brazil is another great city for parkour; the city has a wide variety of obstacles, from scaffolding and stairs to roofs and ledges. In addition, Sao Paulo is home to several parkour schools and clubs.

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So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring the best parkour locations in the world.

Parkour Tricks for Beginners

While parkour may seem daunting initially, there are a few basic tricks that all beginners can learn. The first is the precision jump, which clears small obstacles. To perform a precision jump, approach the barrier with a running start and take off from one foot.

Land on the other foot in the middle of the obstacle, and immediately jump off to the side to continue your run. The second fundamental trick is the dash vault, which is used to vault over more enormous obstacles.

To perform a dash vault, approach the obstacle with a running start and place your hands on top of it. Swing your legs up and over the block, and then push off with your hands to continue your run.

With practice, these two basic parkour tricks will become second nature, and you’ll be able to navigate your environment easily.

Tips for Practicing Parkour Safely


During parkour training, you must be aware of your surroundings and choose a safe environment.

  • Avoid areas with a lot of traffic or pedestrians, and make sure that there are no obstacles in your path that could trip you up.
  • Wear proper footwear and clothing to protect yourself from scrapes and bruises.
  • Always warm-up before you start training.
  • Be sure to bring a friend along so you can watch out for each other.

When is the Best Time for Parkour?

The best time for parkour is early in the morning or late at night when there are fewer people around.
You’ll also have a better view of your surroundings and be able to plan your route more efficiently.

Final Thought

Now that you know some of the best places to practice parkour and a few basic tricks and safety tips, you’re ready to get out there and start training. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start exploring your environment in a whole new way.


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