8 Advanced Parkour Moves That Will Take Your Game to the Next Level

Advanced Parkour Moves

Parkour is all about moves. The more agile and skilled you are, the more impressive your moves will be. Jaw-dropping stunts are what traceurs strive for. They love to leave people in awe of their abilities. Making creative use of your environment is key to becoming a successful traceur. You have to be able to see opportunities where others see obstacles.

There are several different ways to approach parkour. Some people focus on the physical aspects, while others focus on the mental and emotional aspects. No matter your approach, there are always new things to learn.

This blog post will focus on eight advanced parkour moves that will take your game to the next level. These moves are sure to impress anyone who sees you perform them. So, if you’re ready to step up your parkour game, read on!

Advanced Parkour Moves List

To the casual observer, parkour may seem like little more than a series of daring jumps and flips. But for those who practice this discipline, parkour is much more. It’s a way of moving through the world with confidence, creativity, and grace.

It takes years of practice to master the moves on this list. But if you’re dedicated to learning parkour, you’ll eventually be able to perform them all efficiently.

So, without further ado, here are eight of the most advanced parkour tricks, along with a detailed description of how to execute each, benefits, and risks.

1. Kong Vault

The Kong vault is one of the most famous parkour moves. It’s often used to vault over obstacles such as benches and walls. When performing a Kong vault, move toward the obstacle with momentum. Place your hands on the object’s edge, then push off with your legs to launch yourself over it.

Tuck your legs close to your body as you’re in the air. Then, extend them outwards as you land on the other side of the object. Be sure to land with both feet simultaneously to absorb the impact.

Benefits: The Kong vault is an excellent move for clearing obstacles quickly and efficiently. It can also be used to build up power and upper-body strength. It’s also an excellent way to overcome your fear of heights.

Risks: The main risk of the Kong Vault is that it can be challenging to control the height and distance of the vault. If the practitioner does not have enough momentum, they may not clear the obstacle and could fall and injure themselves. Another risk is that the practitioner could land awkwardly and twist their ankle or knee.

However, these risks can be mitigated by practicing the Kong Vault in a safe environment with plenty of padding. When performed correctly, the Kong Vault is a safe and effective way to vault over obstacles.

2. Precision Jump

The precision jump is a move that requires a great deal of accuracy and control. It involves jumping from one platform to another with pinpoint accuracy. This move is often used to Clear gaps between buildings or other structures.

To execute a precision jump, approach the jump with a running start. This will give you the momentum you need to make the jump. As you get closer to the edge, prepare to jump by bending your knees and swinging your arms back.

At the last moment, forcefully push off with your legs and extend your arms in front of you. As you reach the peak of your jump, tuck your chin and bring your knees up to your chest. This will help you clear the gap and land safely on the other side.

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Benefits: The benefits of the precision jump are well worth the effort. Not only does it improve your control and coordination, but it also helps to build strength and power. In addition, a precision jump can help you to develop a greater sense of balance and spatial awareness.

Risks: The most common injuries associated with parkour are sprains and strains, but more severe injuries can occur if you fall from a great height or land awkwardly. However, as long as you take the necessary precautions, such as wearing proper safety gear and choosing safe routes, the risks of parkour are relatively low.

3. Wall Run

Wall running is a move commonly used in parkour and free running that allows you to cover large distances quickly. When executing a wall run, it is crucial to approach the wall at an angle of 45 degrees or less. If you hit the wall too hard or at too steep of an angle, you risk losing your footing and falling.

It is also essential to keep your center of gravity over your feet throughout the move. As you approach the wall, extend your arms out in front of you and tuck your chin to your chest. This will help you keep your balance as you push off the wall.

Once you’ve made contact with the wall, use your legs to push off with as much force as possible. As you leave the wall, begin tucking your legs in so you land in a crouched position. You can transition into another move or stand up and continue running.

Benefits: Wall running is a great way to cover large distances quickly. It can also be used to build up momentum for other moves, such as vaults or jumps.

Risks: If not executed properly, wall running can be dangerous. You can quickly lose your footing and fall, leading to serious injury.

4. Cat Leaps

The Cat Leap is a versatile move used in Parkour to land on vertical surfaces, such as ledges, walls, and fences. It’s one of the most common techniques employed and should be learned and practiced early. There are many ways to execute a Cat Leap, such as from a running jump, precision jump, or other techniques.

To execute a cat leap, get enough forward momentum using a precision jump, vault, running jump, or other similar technique. As you approach your target, get your hands and feet ready for contact. Continue using your legs to absorb the impact of the landing and catch the top of the object with your hands. Pull yourself up and then run away as fast as you can.

Benefits: The benefits of the Cat Leap are numerous; not only does it help you to overcome obstacles more quickly, but it also provides a full-body workout and can help improve your balance and coordination.

Risks: The most common injuries occur when Traceurs fail to land appropriately or lose their balance mid-leap. As such, it is vital to be sure that you are comfortable with the move before attempting it in an actual parkour session.

5. 540 Spin

The 540 spin is a parkour move that can add style and flare to your runs. It can also be used as a transition move to help you get from one obstacle to the next. To do a 540 spin, start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, jump up and rotate your body 540 degrees in the air before landing on your feet.

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Benefits: The benefits of the 540 spin include that it can help you build strength and increase your speed. It can also help you to become more agile and coordinated.

Risks: The risks associated with the 540 spins include the potential for injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures. In addition, if you do not land correctly, you can lose your balance and fall. Therefore, it is always best to practice this move in a safe environment before trying it in a park where there are no safety mats.

6. Parkour Flips

Flips are one of the most awe-inspiring maneuvers you can perform in parkour. They look incredibly complex, and in some ways, they are. But with practice, you’ll be able to move from basics to more advanced parkour flips.

The main parkour flips list includes front, back, side, and twist flips. Each can be executed from standing, running, or jumping positions. They can also combine multiple flips in succession to create even more impressive sequences.

Benefits: Flips are a great way to build strength, power, and coordination. They can also help you develop a greater sense of balance and spatial awareness. In addition, flips can be used as transitions between moves or as standalone tricks.

Risks: Severe injuries can occur if you land awkwardly or lose your balance. However, as long as you take the necessary precautions, such as wearing proper safety gear and practicing in a safe environment, the risks of parkour flips are relatively low.

7. JackKnife

The jackknife is one of the most iconic and best parkour moves. It’s a combination of a 540 kick and an outside hook or wheel kick, and it looks incredible when done correctly.

To properly execute the move, you must first land on your kicking leg and then use the momentum from the first kick to launch yourself into the second kick. The Jack Knife is a difficult move to master, but it can be a very effective tool in Parkour.

Benefits: The jackknife can be used to transition between moves, build strength and power, or add style to your runs.

Risks: The jackknife is also a risky move, and it can cause serious injury if not executed properly. As with any Parkour move, train diligently and consult with an experienced practitioner before attempting the jackknife.

8. Blind Catch

Do you like the feeling of jumping off a building and catching yourself before you hit the ground? If so, then you might enjoy making the blind catch move. The blind catch is a move where you jump off an obstacle and catch yourself before you hit the ground. This move requires a lot of trust and good timing, and coordination.

Benefits: The blind catch can help you build upper body strength and improve your coordination. It can also help you develop a better sense of timing and trust.

Risks: A traceur can seriously injure themselves if they don’t catch themselves in time. It is essential to be aware of your surroundings and have a good sense of timing before attempting this move.

What Is the Hardest Parkour Move?

The hardest parkour move depends on the individual’s level of difficulty and what they are personally comfortable with. However, some of the most challenging parkour moves include vaults, precision jumps, and wall runs.

The kong vault is one of the most challenging and dangerous parkour moves. The kong vault requires speed, strength, and lots of practice.

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The kong vault is a move where you take off with your legs and then make hand contact with the block once you are in the air. As you land, you will use your momentum to help push yourself up and over the obstacles.

The kong vault is a tricky move and should only be attempted by experienced parkour enthusiasts.

How to Make More Difficult Parkour Moves?

If you’re just getting started in parkour, you may be wondering how to make some of the more complex moves. While parkour is all about flow and efficiency, there are still some technical aspects to consider when attempting more complex techniques. Here are some tips on how to make more difficult parkour moves:

  • Start with the basics: Before making any complicated moves, ensure you have a solid foundation in the basics of parkour. This includes learning how to land correctly, how to roll, and how to vault. Once you have these basic movements down, you’ll be able to progress to more complex techniques.
  • Get plenty of practice: It’s essential to get plenty of practice before attempting more complicated moves. Not only will this help you master the basics, but it will also give you the confidence you need to attempt harder techniques. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, start practicing more advanced moves on smaller objects before progressing to larger ones.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail: When learning parkour, it’s essential not to be afraid of failing. Everyone makes mistakes when first starting, and it’s all part of the learning process. You’ll never progress beyond the basics if you’re afraid of making mistakes. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them to eventually master the more complex moves.
  • Be patient: Learning parkour takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t master a specific move immediately. It may take days, weeks, or even months of practice before you finally nail it. Just keep at it, and eventually, you’ll get there.
  • Stay safe: Parkour is incredibly physical, and there is always a risk of injury when attempting new techniques. When learning more complicated moves, it’s essential to take safety precautions and warm up properly beforehand. Make sure you wear proper footwear and clothing and stretch before beginning your training session.
  • Find a mentor: One of the best ways to learn more difficult parkour moves is to find a mentor who can teach you the proper techniques and help you stay safe while training. 

An experienced parkour practitioner can show you how to execute more advanced moves properly and give you feedback on your form. If possible, find a local parkour club or group so that you can train with others who are also learning the discipline.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on mastering more difficult parkour moves in no time!


Congratulations on making it to the end of this parkour move list! We know that you can complete all of these moves and more. If you’re stuck in a rut and feeling like you’ve reached a plateau in your training, try adding one or two of these into your routine to mix things up.

Remember to never give up on your journey to becoming a parkour master! The only way to get better is through practice and dedication. With enough time, anyone can become a professional parkour athlete. Thanks for reading!

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