Different Types of Front Flips: How to Execute Them Safely

Different Types of Front Flips: How to Execute Them Safely

Flips are always impressive, whether at the gym or a party. They show off your athleticism, coordination, and strength all in one go. You can do different types of flips – the front flip being one of them.

A front flip is an acrobatic move in which a person rotates forward vertically in the air from a standing or running start. A front flip requires a lot of upper-body and core strength, coordination, and timing.

When performed correctly, it is a visually impressive move that can be used to impress friends or wow crowds. There are different types of front flips, each with its difficulty level.

This article will explore how to do a front flip, different types of front flips and how to execute them safely. We will also provide instructions on how to perform them correctly.

So whether you are a beginner or an experienced gymnast, you can execute a front flip safely and confidently!

Different Types of Front Flips

There are 4 major types of front flips; besides these, there are other different kinds of front flips that are variations of the first four. The first four types are:

  • The Standing Front Flip
  • The Running Front Flip 
  • Jumping Front Flip
  • Flying Front Flip

Let’s explore each one in detail.

Standing Front Flip

The standing front flip is a gymnastics move requiring strength and coordination. To execute the move, the gymnast starts in a standing position with their feet together.

They then bend their knees and jump into the air, tucking their chin to their chest and bringing their legs up so that they are parallel to their torso.

As they reach the apex of their jump, they extend their legs out in front of them and perform a somersault before landing in a squatting position.

The standing front flip is a relatively simple move, but it takes practice to perfect. Once mastered, it can be an impressive feat of athleticism that wows audiences.

Running Front Flip

A running front flip is a gymnastics move that can be used to add extra height and rotation to a jump. It can also be a dismount from the rings or high bar.

The move starts with a running start, followed by a front flip. The gymnast then lands on their feet, either in a standing position or in a crouch. The most important part of the move is the take-off, which should be done with precision and timing.

If done correctly, the gymnast will rotate around their axis multiple times before landing safely on their feet. With practice, this move can be mastered and used to add excitement to any gymnastics routine.

Jumping Front Flip

Jumping front flips are one of the most impressive and visually appealing acrobatic maneuvers. Though they may look dangerous, with a bit of practice, they can be performed safely and with relative ease.

A jumping front flip begins with a strong jump straight into the air. As you reach the apex of your jump, tuck your chin down and bring your knees up to your chest.

From here, curl your body into a somersault, keeping your chin tucked throughout the rotation. As you reach the bottom of the somersault, extend your legs and push off from the ground with your hands, propelling yourself back into the air.

Land lightly on your feet, absorbing the impact with your legs. With a bit of practice, you’ll be nailing jumping front flips in no time!

Flying Front Flip

The flying front flip is a move that requires a great deal of coordination, strength, and practice. To execute the move, begin standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Then, bend your knees and jump into the air, tucking your chin to your chest as you rotate your body forward. As you reach the apex of your jump, extend your legs and push off the ground with your hands.

At this point, you should be upside down, facing the ground. Finally, twist your body so that you land on your feet.

The key to nailing this move is to ensure that you have enough momentum to complete the rotation before you reach the ground. With practice, you’ll be nailing front flips in no time!

The other variations of front flips are:

The Barani

The Barani is a 180-degree front flip with a half twist performed in parkour and freerunning. It is also known as an aerial or 180 headspins.

See also  The Different Types of Flips in Gymnastics For Beginners and Experts

The move starts from standing and involves jumping up and flipping 180 degrees before landing on your feet. The half twist gives the move extra rotation, making it look more impressive.

To perform a Barani, you need to generate much power and momentum. This can be done by running towards the jump or using a proper take-off technique. Once you’re in the air, tuck your knees into your chest and do a front flip.

As you reach the height of the flip, kick your legs out straight and perform a half twist. Then land on your feet and absorb the impact with your legs bent. With practice, you’ll be able to execute this move flawlessly.

Front Tuck

A front tuck is a type of front flip often performed in parkour and freerunning. The athlete begins in a standing position and then jumps vertically into the air, tucking their legs up towards their chest.

As they reach the peak of their jump, they push off from the ground with their hands and extend their legs out in front of them, completing a full flip before landing on their feet. Front tucks can be performed on flat ground or from elevated surfaces such as walls or rails.

Front tucks require a great deal of explosive power and muscular coordination. The athlete must generate enough force to propel their entire body into the air while keeping their legs tightly tucked in towards their chest.

This requires strong core and leg muscles and good coordination between the two. When performed correctly, front tucks are an impressive show of athletic ability and can be used to navigate difficult obstacles or reach high places.

However, they are also one of the more advanced parkour/freerunning movements and should only be attempted by those with experience and a strong understanding of proper technique.

Front Full

A front full is a type of front flip performed in parkour and freerunning. As the name suggests, the flip is 360 degrees, making it a full rotation.

The move starts with a running jump, and the athlete uses their momentum to flip forward, rotating their body in mid-air. Because of the speed and rotations involved, front fulls can be dangerous if not executed correctly.

When done correctly, however, they are an impressive display of athleticism and dexterity. Front fulls are often used to clear obstacles or to gain height in parkour applications.

In freerunning, they are sometimes used for style or as part of a larger trick combination. Either way, front fulls require much practice and discipline to master.

Front Double Full

Front double full is a 720-degree twist performed in parkour and freerunning. It is considered an advanced move and should only be attempted by experienced practitioners.

The front double full can be executed from a standing start, a running start, or a jump. The practitioner will take a few running steps to build momentum when performing the move from a standing start.

They will then jump into the air and execute a front flip, followed by a second flip with a 720-degree twist. The front double full can also be performed from a running start or a jump.

In these cases, the practitioner will already have forward momentum when they execute the flips, which makes it easier to rotate their body. The front double full is an impressive move requiring strength and dexterity.

When executed correctly, it can be used to reach new heights or clear obstacles in parkour and freerunning.

Double Fronts

Double fronts are two front flips performed in succession without touching the ground. They require a lot of momentum and can be tricky to land correctly. Because of this, double fronts are often considered one of the more advanced parkour moves.

Gather Front

The gather front flip is popular among traceurs (parkour practitioners) because it looks impressive and is relatively easy to do. It’s also a good move to have in your arsenal if you’re ever in a situation where you need to overcome an obstacle quickly.

The gather front flip starts with a running jump. As you take off, scatter your feet so that you land on the obstacle with both feet simultaneously.

From here, you want to quickly tuck your legs up into your chest and tuck your chin down so that you’re in a tight ball. As you reach the peak of your jump, start to push off the obstacle with both feet.

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Unfold your body so that you’re pointing straight up toward the sky, tuck your chin down again, and tuck your legs into your chest. You should now be flipping head over heels.

As you start to come down, straighten out your body and extend your legs so that you can land safely on the other side of the obstacle.


Rudy is a type of front flip performed in parkour and freerunning. The 540-degree twist is a key component in the ability to perform Rudy. This allows the performer to somersault in the air and land on their feet.

This 540-degree twist requires a large amount of torque to be created in the lower body so that the upper body can be thrown over it and complete the flip.

The 540-degree twist is created by using the momentum of the arms to pull the legs over in a flipping motion. The legs are then brought over the head and back down to the ground while the arms control the body’s landing.

Devil Drop

Devil Drop is a type of front flip. It is often used as an acrobatic move in various martial arts and dance styles. The Devil Drop can be performed by first cat leaping into the air and then flipping forwards and downwards, landing on both feet.

This move is sometimes also referred to as a front inward flip. The Devil Drop can be an impressive and powerful move when performed correctly.

However, it is important to practice this move carefully, as it can be easy to over-rotate and land on your head or neck if you do not have enough momentum.

Wall Inward Twist

A wall inward twist, also known as a front flip, is a type of gymnastics move in which the gymnast throws themself over in front of a wall, somersaulting in mid-air and then catching themselves on the other side.

The move is often used as an element in floor routines or as a dismount from the beam or bars. Wall inward twists can be performed on any level surface, including trampolines, springboards, and even the floor.

The key to performing a successful wall inward twist is to ensure that you have enough speed and momentum to make it over the wall and to tuck your body tightly into a somersault position.

When performed correctly, an inward wall twist is an impressive and acrobatic move that will wow any audience.

How to Become a Master of Front Flips

Training to become a gymnast requires intense physical and mental preparation. Achieving all types of front flips requires a great deal of discipline, practice, and proper technique.

When executed correctly, a front flip looks effortless as the athlete appears to fly through the air before landing perfectly on their feet.

However, this move is quite difficult to master and takes many years of practice to perfect. Here is a guideline on how you can train to become a master of front flips:

Get in Shape

To execute a front flip properly, you must have a strong core and good upper body strength. Start by doing exercises that target these muscle groups, such as crunches, sit-ups, and push-ups.

As you get stronger, you can add more advanced moves such as plyometrics and weightlifting.

Learn the Proper Technique

A front flip requires precise timing and technique to execute it correctly. You must jump off your toes while swinging your arms up over your head for momentum.

As you reach the peak of your jump, tuck your knees into your chest and tuck your chin down so that you somersault forward. Finally, extend your legs out behind you and land on your feet; this is how to do a front flip. 

Practice this move slowly until you get the timing down before attempting it at full speed.

Get Plenty of Practice

Like with anything else, practice makes perfect when it comes to flipping. Set up a safe space in your home or yard where you can practice without fear of injury.

Start walking or running towards the edge of your chosen space before executing the flip. As you gain confidence and strength, increase the height of your jump until you are flipping effortlessly like a pro!

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How Many Types of Front Flip Are There?

There are 4 major types of front flips with different variations. The most basic front flip is the standing front flip, which can be done from a standing position without any momentum.

This is followed by the running front flip, which requires a little momentum to execute. The next difficulty level is the jumping front flip, which requires you to jump up into the air before flipping forward.

The fourth level is the flying front flip, which is done by leaping off an elevated surface and flipping forward mid-air. Also, there is the double front flip; two flips are performed quickly.

These are just a few of the different types of front flips that you can learn. As you become more skilled, you can progress to the more difficult variations.

Are Front Flips Dangerous?

A front flip is a dangerous move if not performed correctly. When you do a front flip with your hands, you put all your body weight on your head and neck.

If you land incorrectly, you can break your neck or spine. Even if you land correctly, the impact can still be jarring to your spine and neck. That’s why it’s important to warm up properly and use a spotter when attempting this move.

Are Front or Back Flips Harder?

Front flips are undeniably more difficult than backflips. The front flip requires a good deal of coordination and core strength. You have to tuck your chin, throw your arms up, and snap your legs over your head, all in one smooth motion.

Backflips, however, are relatively simple once you get the hang of them. All you have to do is throw your hips over your head and let gravity do the rest. Still, front and backflips require much practice before you can execute them perfectly.

Why Are Backflips Easier Than Front Flips?

Backflips are easier than front flips because they require less control and balance. You start standing and jumping back into the air when you perform a backflip.

This gives you a chance to get momentum before you start flipping. In contrast, front flips require you to start in a crouched position and then jump forward into the air. This makes it more difficult to generate enough momentum to complete the flip.

What Is a Front Flip 180 Called?

The term “front flip 180” describes a particular gymnastics move. It is also sometimes referred to as a “barani.” The move consists of a forward somersault with a half twist. It can be performed on the floor, beam, or vault.

The front flip 180 is considered a high-level move and is typically only attempted by experienced gymnasts. It requires a great deal of coordination and strength.

To perform the move, the gymnast will start in a standing position. They will flip front, rotating their body 180 degrees before landing.

What Is a Front Flip With a Twist Called?

It is called a Barani. It is a type of front flip with a 180-degree (half twist). This is an advanced move that requires a lot of practice and skill. It is often performed on trampolines or in gymnastics competitions.

The best way to learn how to do a Barani is to find a trained professional who can teach you the proper technique.

Is a Side Flip Easier Than a Front Flip?

A lot of people tend to think that a front flip is easier than a side flip. After all, when doing a front flip, you can see where you’re going and use your arms to help generate lift.

However, the reality is that a side flip is much easier than a front flip. You don’t have to worry about generating as much lift since starting from a lower height.

In addition, it’s easy to use your arms and legs to help rotate your body since they’re both on the same side. As a result, a side flip is much easier to execute than a front flip.


Front flips are a challenging but impressive gymnastics move. They require coordination, strength, and practice to execute correctly. However, they can be dangerous if not performed properly

The different types of front flips include the standing front flip, running front flip, jumping front flip, and flying front flip. Each one requires different techniques and levels of skill.

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